Probably not a future race car driver but Tony Stewart is who Jackson chose to do a biography on for school. So go ahead and ask me a question about Tony Stewart. I know far more than I ever cared to. Jackson learned that when he was 15, he did not do his chores like his father asked so his Dad sold his go kart which he raced with. Jackson liked the poster board body he made, he kept saying that it made him look "buff". Now where has he heard that before?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Larson goes to South Carolina
This was a 4am wake up call for Larson. Aunt Char and Larson had a 6am flight to Hilton Head. Larson was standing there shivering while they got checked in so Aunt Char wrapped him in her coat. He was so excited to go but made sure that he told Jackson, Jordan, and me that he would miss us. He actually had his toothbrush and swimsuit packed since the last time she was here. We will miss him but I know that he will have so much fun while he is there!
Logan is 1 month old!
This is our little monkey. Jordan thinks it is so much fun having her own "real pet monkey". He always looks bigger in these pictures than what he really is. He does have a strong neck and he can really put up a fight with his strong hands. He still sleeps allot during the day but we are going to try and turn that around this week. I was just happy to get a picture of him with his eyes wide open.
Aunt Char Comes to Save the Day
Aunt Char surprised us with a visit just two weeks after going home last. Boy, how just knowing she is coming can lift our spirits so much. We love her and appreciate all the help that she gives to us.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Logan Two Weeks Old
Time goes by so quickly when they are little like this. We are two weeks into Logan being with us and I think that it is starting to feel more normal. He looks like he is bigger in this picture but he has only gained one ounce so we are still 7 oz. from being back to birth weight. The pediatrician is concerned and keeping a close eye on him but she wants us to continue with the syringe feedings until next Friday before we start to supplement with formula. Logans clothes are 0-3 month and we have to roll up the sleeves and pants. The elastic waistband does not even cling to his waist.
I am not sick anymore so I am able to do what it takes to fatten this kid up. Logan has more love coming his way than he knows what to do with. All 3 kids are very engaged with him now. It is really weird for me to just see Jordan and Jackson go pick up Logan and be so comfortable even when he is crying. They are really helping me out!
So our goal is to have Logans weight to 7lbs 6 oz. by Friday!
Larsons Photography
(Photography by 3 year old Larson)
(Makeup by the I'm too tired line)
(Hair styled by not washing it in 3 days)
14 sleepless nights
40 hours of crying
100 diaper changes
120 syringe feedings
The smile comes from being a Mom of 4 and that I would never change!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Cookie Cutter Kids
At least we know that our baby did not get mixed up at the hospital with someone elses.
Jordan just came in and yelled at me for not including her. So I had to go to old archives and get this most wonderful picture of her (nice socks on the hands) . Thank goodness my photography has improved. Yes, Jordan's brothers all look like her!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
Logans arrival
As always, I did all that I could do the week leading up to the delivery to be prepared as possible. I had Aunt Char flying in and Uncle Chris had to cancel a ski trip to be here. Unfortunately Jordan got sick on Wednesday and that kind of changed plans a little. Our biggest concern for her was that she needed to make it to the Hannah Montanna concert. (By the way, she made it there and loved it!)
Tom and I were all set to leave for the hospital at 6am. About 2 am I was up and knew that I had a high fever. (Thank you Jordan) We got checked in and Char was getting all of the kids ready for school. Things were not normal like the other deliveries from the beginning. They could not get my IV's to go in my hands. The nurse kept busting the veins. The anesthesiologist was trying and then my dr. came in and did an old army trick of putting on the blood pressure cuff and cutting off the circulation to my hand. They all were kind of fighting about who was doing what right and I was just there trying to be the good patient.
Next, was the epidural, and that was so painful this time unlike the others. I had horrible back pain to go with that for the next 7 days. Then 11am came and went (Dr. thought baby would be here by then) 12:00, 1:00, 2:00 Buddy got oxygen at this point and Logan had a heart monitor attched to his head. Not becuase he was in distress but that he was "getting tired" I was getting tired and clostrophopic with the mask on and my fever started to go up and the shakes came.
Anyway, Logan made his arrival with one push at 4:30pm. It was a boy and I think that I was totally shocked. I just kept thinking I am a mother of 3 boys and I am so thankful that the first one was a girl. I delivered with a temp of 105 and not feeling so great.
The 6 of us
Our completed Family!
Well, our 4th has been the hardest recovery out of them all. Baby Logan has rocked the Roberts household over the last week. I was really sick in the hospital and had it still when coming home. On Sunday the pediatrician detected a heart murmer and had the cardiologist in with us. This added just a little stress for me. It was all precautionary and everything was cleared at the cardiologist office the next day. Tom kept saying it was a good thing we were not first time parents to see your little guy all hooked up and screaming his head off. I could feel the weight of the world off my shoulders when the Dr. said all was normal.
The next challenge: breast feeding. I could have never imagined that after nursing 3 children easily that you would have one that can not nurse. He lost over a pound and Buddy was off to see a Lactation consultant for the first time ever. Like, I said nothing has been normal with this one. We were put on a strenous schedule of syringe feeding every two hours. This was not my idea of how I would be spending the first week with our newborn. Thanks to everyone that has brought in meals and to Tom who has taken many days off work becuase I just did not have the time with the other kids. The good news, as of today with my lactation nurse, Logan is back to birth weight and is latching on way better than 5 days ago.
Yes, every person in our family has had a meltdown this week and I have felt like I failed at #4 but everyone is putting their best foot forward and I can tell that things are turning around for us.
I look at Logan as a miracle. There were many times when I never thought that it was meant to be but he is here and we love him so much. I am so thankful to Heavenly Father for sending this blessing to us.