Friday, March 28, 2008

Quack! Quack!

Larson invited Nana & Grampy to come to his playgroup today. They met at the Arboretum to feed the ducks.
Grampy came prepared with his bird book and binoculars.
Nana Came with the bread.

Larson, the bread is for the Ducks!

This duck reminded me of my sister, Charlene. If Char were a duck this would be her with all of her fru fru feathers!

Not quite sure what kind of smile Larson is sporting!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Take Me out to the Ballgame

Jackson was placed on a Steiner Ranch team this season and we couldn't be happier. He plays for the Atlanta Braves. His team is made up of 1st and 2nd graders and Jackson is one of the two biggest kids.

How fun is it to have your Grandpa at your game?
Thanks Grampy!

This is a coach pitch team and the ball is thrown overhand but not at a real fast speed so the ball drops in over the plate. Jackson was struggling with that versus swinging evenly over a tee.

This game he was 2 for 2 so he must be catching on!
Jackson taking off for second base or just running to get away from the gigantic 1st baseman.

It looks like he is doing a celebration dance but actually just crossing over home base thanks to some great RBI's.
The team had a great hitting game tonight and allowed them a huge win over the Pirates!

Easter 2008

We had a woderful Easter to spend with our family. The kids always love to see their Easter baskets in the morning. We went to church and was able to have the time to reflect on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We had a very nice sacrament meeting with good talks and music. We were glad to have Nana, Grampy, and Uncle Chris at our house with us. We had a not so traditional dinner with the Roberts Axis Deer meat ( something just seems wrong that they were eating a little deer on Easter- at least it wasnt rabbit) The kids and I just stuck to our normal foods! We played around with Logan and then did our Egg hunt and pinata. Dinner was followed up by the kids Egg cake and lots of ice cream. The kids then asked what was next and I was happy to say that pajamas and bed were next!
The Bunny found our house!

Nana and the kids made a special Easter Egg cake.
Grandma Pat Pat made this Easter house and is still one of my favorite decorations.

On our way to church

Thanks to all of our Sunday School teachers that helped teach our kids the importance of Easter. Each one of them had many comments on the way home about Jesus and Easter. Larsons was "It's not about the treats but Jesus" He said this as he was stuffing chocolate candy in his mouth.

I promise that we will not dress Logan like a doll any more.

Our Easter Egg Hunt

Uncle Chris stopped on the side of the road and bought a pinata from a Mexican lady selling them. Then he stopped at Walgreens and filled this 4ft rabbit with Candy. I thought that the Easter Bunny brought allot of candy but Uncle Chris stole the show.
The pinata was seriously so much fun. The kids had us laughing so hard. Jackson was the first to knock off the bunnies arm and the carrot went flying!
We should have taken a picture of the rabbit once they were done. There was not much of the poor little bunny left.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hoppy Easter

Having some Easter Fun!

Hope that you all had a wonderful Easter Day!
(I have lots of Easter Pictures to post later)

Logan 2 months old

8 weeks old and growing like crazy
His little legs are not stick legs anymore. There are a couple of rolls.
He pretty much smiles on demand
Can roll over from stomach to back
The kids are falling more and more in love with him since he has started to come to life for them.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sunset at the Oasis

It was a perfect night to go for a sunset at the Oasis. After all, you don't go there for the food. Actually it wasn't that bad this time around. We really had a beautiful view and weather. It was fun to go there with the family and feel like we were all on vacation. Yeah, to Logan who slept the entire time so Mom could have an enjoyable dinner!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sea World

Tom was able to take a day off work to spend with us on Spring Break. We got season passes to Sea World so we will enjoy many days there this summer. Our first day was so much fun and the park is so beautiful. The water park was still closed but should have been opened with the 95 degree day that we had!

Logans first trip to Sea World. He did so well even though he had more stimulation in this one day than in his entire life so far.

Lets hope that Shamu got bigger and Logan not smaller!

We all loved the Dolphin Cove. The kids had fish to feed to them so they got some close up interaction. Jordan even touched one!

I dont know why we did this but I am so glad that we did. The kids always ask to play midway games and the answer is always no- I just think it is a waste of money. I guess since we were on spring break and having such a great day we let them each play this game. Jackson was the first to land his ball in a winning circle and then Larson won his next. Jordan was having a hard time getting her balls to land and it just kept going and going. The boys kept saying, "come on Jordan" Her ball was so close so many times. She was about to give up win she landed her ball in the middle "Big Prize" circle. We all were screaming and she was so excited. Persistence paid off and she got the big dolphin that she wanted! Then the boys were saying "way to go Jordan!"

Our day was filled with so many different activities. We watched shows, rode rides, and enjoyed the aquarium. We all rode the Steel Eel., no not an animal but a wicked roller coaster. It was so intense. Tom got caught with his head down when they took his picture. Jordan decided that she is too small to ride again and Jackson and I just loved it. Of course the little ones did not ride.

What a great family day at Sea World!

Zilker Park

I, along with 500 other families thought that it would be a great day to spend at Zilker Park. It was very very crowded. The train was even sold out for the day but Larson took that one OK. We decided to make the most of it and enjoy the great weather and time off of school. We invited some friends to go with us and we all started with a picnic lunch. We ventured over to the nature center and it was not as crowded. Larson is standing in front of a Texas coyote.

They have a big dino dig outdoors. Jordan had her friend Gemma with her to hang out so they even had some fun there. The boys were having a ton of fun finding the hidden bones.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Jackson Turns 8!

Happy 8th Birthday to Jackson
One more birthday celebration and then we are done for a little while. Today was a great day because there were no activities at all and Jackson could just hang out and enjoy his special day. Daddy took him to Target to spend some gift cards and he came home with a cool Star Wars Leggo ship.
Turning 8 is a big milestone in our family because 8 is the age of baptism for us. We have decided to wait and do that this summer on Hilton Head with our family. He will be getting baptized with his cousin Sage.
Jackson was very proud of his very own new scriptures.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Larson Turns 4!

March 2, 2008
Happy Birthday to Larson
It seems like Larson has been in our lives much longer than 4 years. I keep thinking that he should be turning 5. I am sure that is because he acts so much older. He has to hang with the older kids. Larson got to celebrate his birthday with family and friends the day before at Pump It Up. His actual birthday was on Sunday so we went to church and had Logans blessing. Aunt Char broke all the rules and made us stop at Baskin Robins for ice cream (even before lunch) just because Larson wanted ice cream and it was his birthday. The rest of the day was all about Larson. Conni, thank you for the "hanging the name idea"! Uncle Chris joined us for his birthday dinner. Uncle Chris got Larson his very own video rocking chair, Pat Pat, Papa, and great Grandma Boyd got him the ESPN Batting Machine, and Grampy and Nana got both Larson and Jackson a very cool soft serve ice cream machine (sprinkles included of course). It also came with a waffle cone maker! We cant wait to use it.

Logans Blessing Day

Today was a special day for us. We were so happy to have family here for the blessing. This was the first time that Tom was able to bless one of our children. Papa had blessed the rest and we were so honored that Papa was here to still be a part by being in the circle.
Logans Blessing from his Father

Dear Heavenly Father,
By the power and authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood with which we hold
I give this child a name and a blessing; the name is Logan Crawford Roberts

Heavenly Father has given you a family and his gospel both will always be there for you
as you grow, your family will give you guidance, comfort and love
Nurture and grow a strong spirit and gain confidence from living the gospel

As you develop, accept the challenges that will face you and gain strength from your accomplishments
look for opportunities to serve others and Heavenly Father will bless you
look to his scriptures for guidance, patience, and understanding
seek opportunities for education, as you have an obligation to make the most of your life, not just for yourself but for others.

As you will now look to others, there will soon become a time where others will
look to you.
prepare for those times

I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Surprise Visit

Grandma Pat Pat finally meets Logan

Papa meets Logan!

Only the love of a grandparent would find them driving cross country to spend 48 hours with us. I am so thankful to both of them for making that long trip and spending the weekend here. Logan loved being held the entire time. Pat Pat even got some of his first smiles. He was very happy being with you both.

Hi I'm new here

Logan at 5 weeks
The big announcement-he's finally nursing! That was a challenging 5 weeks but I am so happy for both of us that we finally won the battle. Things are getting much easier now that we accomplished that. Now we are on to more fun things, like getting those smiles out of him.

I would smile too, knowing I have the best big sister.

A lazy Friday after school, and the kids go directly to their new play toy-Logan. Both of them are so comfortable holding, picking up, and loving on him. Of course, they don't do diapers but Larson does, no surprise there. He was still in SC with Aunt Char.