No Greater Calling
Thank you for all the homemade gifts and cards that came my way today. You all made me feel so good. I love being your Mom!
I look at him in amazement every day that he is part of our family. We are so blessed that this little baby made it to us! Wanting something so badly and then having it taken away can really make you appreciate what you have. Logan you have completed our family and you are so loved by us all. How spoiled will you be? You are so lucky to have big siblings all around you. You are such a happy baby and you make Moms heart happy every day!
Larson you make Mom smile. You have such a fun personality. You are so independent and I forget you are only 4 years old. I love our days spent together before the big kids get home. It seems like you should be going to Kindergarten in the fall but I am so glad that you have another year for us to hang out. We like to call you our "linebacker", you are so big and so rough with your Mom. I am sure it is all in love! You give me the best hugs in the world. I love the way you pat my back when you hug me and I love that you do not wipe off your kisses anymore. Just looking at you can melt my heart.
I have to say that you are the Mamas boy. You have always aimed to please me and that makes for a very easy relationship. You are so loving to me and such a good boy. I see so much of your Dad in you. If you grow up to be like your Dad you will be doing pretty good. You are the compassionate one in our family. Never lose that quality. I love to see you grow and develop. I often picture the man that you will become. Until then, you are my sweet boy and I love you so much!

Larson you make Mom smile. You have such a fun personality. You are so independent and I forget you are only 4 years old. I love our days spent together before the big kids get home. It seems like you should be going to Kindergarten in the fall but I am so glad that you have another year for us to hang out. We like to call you our "linebacker", you are so big and so rough with your Mom. I am sure it is all in love! You give me the best hugs in the world. I love the way you pat my back when you hug me and I love that you do not wipe off your kisses anymore. Just looking at you can melt my heart.

I have to say that you are the Mamas boy. You have always aimed to please me and that makes for a very easy relationship. You are so loving to me and such a good boy. I see so much of your Dad in you. If you grow up to be like your Dad you will be doing pretty good. You are the compassionate one in our family. Never lose that quality. I love to see you grow and develop. I often picture the man that you will become. Until then, you are my sweet boy and I love you so much!
From the time that you were born and they said the words "its a girl!" I have always been thankful for my little girl. Since having our 3rd boy, those words have meant even more. I am so blessed and lucky to have a daughter. Our relationship took on a whole new meaning when we became the only girls in the family. A new bond has been formed and one that we will be able to Cherish. I know a sister was wanted so badly but that decision was made in heaven and I think God knew what he was doing when he sent another brother. Jordan, you are so much like me. I see so many personality traits that could not be any closer to mine. We truly are two peas in a pod. I look forward to all our girl talks. You are my girl, I love you very much!
what great pictures. i love how each outfit compliments eachother! you have some darling kiddos!
Amazing pictures. Brightened my day ...
These pic's are awesome. Aren't you loving your new camera?!? Your hair is beautiful!
Gorgeous, gorgeous photos. Yes, I agree with Conni...your hair looks fantastic.
You are such a great mom! HOpe you had a great day! The pictures are beautiful!
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