Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cub Scouts Camp

The world of having boys is fully upon me. Coming from a family of 4 girls, cub scouts has been a very new and exciting adventure for me. Jackson went straight from school to having his first week of day camp with the Cub Scouts.

The camp was about 30 minutes away at Emma Long Park on Lake Austin. They attended M-F from 8am to 4:00 with temps every day 100 plus! We carpooled with a couple other Cubs and the rides consisted of video games and Pokemon cards! It was a great way for Jackson to get to know Jacob and Daniel better.
I knew that on the first day when I picked up Jackson he was in for a great week. As he came walking up to me, I could hear him "clanging", Mom!, Mom! look what I found. His proudest moment of the day was showing me his weighted down pockets full of dirty, old, some newer, beer cap tops. Wow Jackson that is great! It gets better! MOM YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS IN MY BACKPACK POCKET! He proceeds to pull out a bunch of bones. Not sure what kind of bones, I just know that they did not come into my house!
This was a proud parenting moment! Came to pick up Jackson and do you notice the only kid with a bare chest?? Yes, that would be my son without a shirt on. Must be my North Carolina heritage coming out in him. I would send him straight to the shower each day after camp to try and peel off the layers of dirt!

This was the very first time that one of our kids has been to camp all week. We usually are in HHI for the entire summer. Kind of missed Jackson all week but he absolutely loved his camp even with the extreme temperatures every day.
This is us having a family picnic on the last day. (Jordan was cracking me up because she was such a girly girl out here- you know, the heat, the bugs, all the smelly boys- wasn't quite fitting in with her and her agenda to be at the mall a couple of hours later!) Logan was sleeping and of course, Larson has asked 100 hundred times this week- why cant I be a cub scout???? A few tears when he was not allowed to stay with big brother at camp. Tom got to be at the camp this day and volunteer for Jackson.
This was a great experience for Jackson. He earned many certifications and badges. Too many to list-- He loved the BB gun and archery the most! That just sounds so weird to me. Other activities that he talked about was the swimming each day, the nature hikes where they all really really heard the big long snakes under the brush but they didn't actually see them, but they were close by! Flag football and volleyball (?) were talked about. He loved the spiders nature guy- tarantulas and scorpions-- oh my! I thought the coolest thing was the picnic tables that the boys built to leave behind at the camp. They were so professionally done and looked great!
So a great first Cub Scout Camp experience! Looking forward to Jackson now having a little down time and trying to stay a little bit cleaner for the rest of the summer!

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