Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Our Day with Shamoo

Jordan had to be a really good sport and include Jackson in with her and Katie for the day. You see some would say I am crazy to go to Sea World with 5 kids by myself in 100 degree weather, I call it my sanity. If I just stayed at home with all the kids then I would be crazy. However, with 5 of them and 1 of me, Jackson had to be included in the big kid stuff while I stayed back with the little ones. Jordan would have much prefered it be just her and Katie but she was good with him.

Larson loved the wave pool. This was his first time he can remember being in one of those. He dove through every wave! There were a couple comments from standbyers about how old he was and how much fun he was having. Even Logan loved it. The kids would pop out of the water and he would just crack up. I only have 2 hands or else I would have loved some pictures of him when the waves would crash on him. He just laughed so hard. Jordan thought he was sooooo cute!

It was HOT, it was NOT CROWDED, it was a LONG DAY but FUN!

I managed all the kids pretty well. They all got to ride their rides, see some shows, and spend some time at the water park, Lost Lagoon. Logan was able to cool off there. It was a long walk back to the car but we did it and I even came home with the same amount of kids that I left with. All 5 were sleeping for the drive home!

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