Monday, August 25, 2008

Back to School 2008

Jordan- First year of Middle School!
Last night went smoothly for Jordan. Her outfit for the first day had been picked 2 weeks ago so that was already taken care of. She planned her morning: She wanted chocolate chip muffins and asked if I would straighten her hair. Before bed I painted her nails a very dark blue (hopefully that is not the gothic look starting for her)
This morning she loved the extra hour of sleep since her school starts later. She got ready and had time to get on the computer. She went to Marianas house to go to school with her. On the way there she kept telling her stomach that she was not nervous!
I really wasn't sad. I was just excited for her! I can not wait for Jordan to get home and tell me all about it.

Jackson- 3rd grade
Jacksons teacher is Mrs. Peterson and she called last night just to tell Jackson that she was excited about seeing him this morning. He got up and had a good morning. This is the same routine for him so he knew the drill. I actually got him in a collared shirt for school. He thinks collars are for church. The elementary school is past capacity again this year so Jackson's class gets to eat lunch at 10:30 in the morning. I am afraid I will be making another lunch for him when he gets home at 3:15. A new elementary is under construction for next year and both boys will go to that. That will make 3 elementary schools in our neighborhood.
We are excited to see how Jackson's year goes for him!

Larson- First day of Montessori

Larson loves to go to school and was very excited from his new shoes and backpack to his new school shirts. A new Montessori school opened up right at the end of our street and all the boys that were in his old class are going to this new school too.

Larson just walked right in and met his teacher Ms. Caroline, gave me a high five and out the door I went. I cant wait to go and pick him up to hear about his day.

So its Logan and Mom at home and the first order for my new school year is get this house clean!!!

1 comment:

  1. My fav's are of Larson in his little uniform. So cute!!
