Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Six Thousand Dollar Quarter

July 9th, 2008
We didn't see this one coming!
Wednesday night, just had a late dinner after a day at the beach. Char and I are in the kitchen doing the dishes and Larson comes running in crying and telling us that he just swallowed a quarter and it is stuck in my throat. He was breathing and could talk a little. I just assumed that he had swallowed it and it was in his stomach. After all he was breathing. Things got worse very quickly and I am flying to the emergency room with Larson. Jordan was my "brave" backseat rider with him. We got there and he started to vomit and then they would check for the quarter. No quarter. Plus they were telling me that it was probably just a penny. It took one xray for everything to move very quickly. The "penny" was stuck in his windpipe with just a little tilt to it so he was getting some air. They stabilized his upper body, had me try to keep him awake so his muscles would not relax, the IV in his arm and waited for the ear, nose, throat surgeon to get there. This is all from a kid that had never put anything in his mouth.
They took him back and 15 minutes later the surgeon came out holding a jar with the quarter in it. They were really surprised and said that it was really lodged. (that was the good part!!)Larson woke up and we were home an hour later. Thank goodness for our Dr's.
Now, every time that I see a quarter laying around I am reminded of that night.
If that wasn't enough excitement, the next morning Jackson had one of his passing out spells but we have become accustomed to them and know what to do. However, that night he had another one and this time was different than all the rest. He was probably having some little seizure. For the first time ever, I had to call 911. Jackson was fine and his vitals were good. This one really scared him. We have appts. scheduled next week with his neurologist. So far his diagnosis has been no diagnosis but they are going to try and do some different things with him this time.
I was on my knees giving thanks that night that these are just little road bumps on our journey and that everyone is doing well.

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