(Not sure how old it is but it still works!)
OK, so we are putting off the cell phone with our 6th grader SO FAR! So I am letting her take mine to school Tuesday because she had auditions after school and there were not set times as to when she would be ready for me to pick her up.
I start giving her the lecture that it is school policy that all cell phones must be in lockers or stay in their purse all day and that under no circumstances is she to have it out........ She looks at me and says, "Don't worry Mom, I wouldn't dare let anyone seeing me carry a cell phone that looks like that!" All I could do was laugh.
If you don't know this about me, I use it until it wears out or doesn't work anymore. I do not see the need to update things that are still of use to me. So on many things I am a little behind. My sister and I like to say that we have the "dinosaur syndrome" and we are happy that way!
We did not have the most perfect weekend with the kids. The boys were off a little bit and some parenting skills needed to be applied but I guess they are human and not all weekends can be perfect.
Good news: Jordan got an understudy role for one of the 4 major characters in the One Act Play that she auditioned for. Not in a bad way, but we were surprised. To my knowledge only 3 6th graders were chosen to participate! We were really proud and excited for Jordan. Now the rehearsals begin before school in the mornings!
That is hilarious about the cell phone. I wouldn't have known it wasn't cool enough but have Jordan to thank now. Christopher has been on a major cell phone quest too.