Not much to blog about the last few days. We did have a better weekend with the kids. It is now Tuesday and hard to even remember back that many days. Sometimes I feel like we are in survival mode but this week I am in Survivor Mood as the new cast starts this Thursday. I am seriously one of those people that just does not watch much TV and this show has kept me watching it and still wanting to be on the show myself. Anyway, Friday was just as busy a day as the rest of the week. Jordan was at play practice after school and had to get a neighbor to pick her up as I was off taking Jackson to cub scouts. I can not deny Jackson that because he LOVES going to cub scouts. They made key chains from metallic beads and the other kids loved them so I made a trip to Michaels to buy some more supplies. J, J, & L made some on Saturday. Jordan had a little movie party to attend and I went to Bunco. Saturday started with Flag football practice and a trip to Sams. I took Jackson and Larson to the library to get some books and you would have thought that I was tormenting Jackson. He is not our reader! Jackson and Jordan both had sleepover parties to go to and we took Larson and Logan to get ice cream.
Sunday was a more relaxed day as it should be! (minus Tom who has church meetings most of the day)
Logan and the mean cat are starting to bond. The cat gets by Logan and then Logan pulls at his fur for a while and then I have to rescue Logan before the cat gets him. Logan always smiles when he sees the cat.
Jordan won her student council election!
What a cute Scout. Who ever sewed those badges on sure did a remarkable job.