Monday, September 8, 2008

Roberts Weekend on the Campaign Trail

Not The Presidential Campaign
but Jordan's Student Council at CRMS
We are so proud of Jordan going into middle school and jumping into unknown territories. This weekend she worked so hard at making posters, buttons and stickers as she is running for 6th grade representative. She wrote her own speech and will give that on Wednesday.
Good Luck Jordan!
A few of her posters.

Not only did she work on her campaign but she is also auditioning for a theatre one act play on Tuesday after school. She is basically doing it for the experience since 6th graders have to wait their turn. She had allot of homework and finished some projects that are due next week.
Don't feel bad for her! She also got to hang with some friends and we managed to go to the pool a couple of times!

Jordan and I were sitting at the table working on posters and we looked outside to see Larson burying a treasure. I just thought that was so funny. I don't even know what was in the box.

Our new family fun: Night Time Swimming.
This time Tom thought of a good idea. We brought glow necklaces and bracelets. You could really see them glow under the water. Good idea Dad!


  1. Hooray for Jordan! Those are very fancy signs. Nice job, you two! I hope she wins. The night swimming with the glow necklaces was a BRIGHT idea! How fun. We love swimming at night.

  2. Way to go Jordon. I hope she wins!! I love the idea of the glow necklaces. I sure miss hangin' out at the pool with you guys! We loved swimming in the evenings, especially when Chris was gone. It made the evenings go by much quicker, and distracted us from missing him!

  3. We're all eagerly awaiting the results of the big election...
