Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Trunk or Treat to Chicken Pox and Everything in Between

Jackson started his weekend by going to a Lone Star soccer clinic with Zane. I had to dig to find that athletic equipment. Then Zane spent the night with Jackson (& Larson)
As always, Saturday morning starts with Jordan's 8am game. She is totally into it now and pulling flags! She came running in for a high five from Tom but it looks like he is knocking her in the head.
What can I say? Larson cracks me up!

Uncle Chris keeps telling him he is not "normal". I just think he has a vibrant personality.

Not much to say about Jacksons game. He wasn't into it at all and I think we are trying to honor the Cincinnati Bengals and not win a game.

I had to explain to Jordan who I Dream of Jennie was. She made a great Jennie! This was my costume. I just had to make some adjustments but it worked.

A great Indiana Jones!
He's wearing my coat. I'm just glad that I could be of use.

Mr. Incredible!
This is Jacksons hand me down and when he wore it he was Dash but Larson insisted that he is Mr. Incredible.

Jordan had Ali come for our annual church trunk or treat. This is a fun activity for us each year. Some little carnival games, chili and hot dogs to eat, and then everyone decorates the trunks of their cars and hands out candy. It is kind of funny!

The weekend ended on a bad note with finding out that Logan has Chicken Pox. I am still a little in disbelief but I only have to take one look at him and reality hits. I have no idea where he got them and he has them pretty bad. Poor little guy. This will take a long time to get better. Just leave it up to this baby to try something different that his siblings didn't do. He is definitely making a statement that I am my own person even if I do look like them. I thought that Chicken Pox was a thing of the past. Just so everyone knows, babies don't get the vaccine until 12 mths. 3 mths too long for us!

2nd day- more popping up everywhere and the itching begins. How pitiful is this and he still gives me a smile!


  1. That totally sucks! Let me know if I can do anything!

  2. Ohhh, poor baby!
    I got chicken pox when I was a kid, but now that I have a brand-new immune system after my transplant, I have no immunity to it! I could get it again! Oh no!
    And I can't re-take any of my immunizations for a year.
    He is sure a cute, happy little fellow, chicken pox or not.

  3. So sorry to hear about the chicken pox, but are you REALLY surprised? This is your life we are talking about! Hope they go away fast.

  4. oh buddy. do you just have your own room at the dr's office? bless your heart. poor logan. i had no idea people still got those.

    on a lighter note. larson is a crack up! and all of your kids looked so great at the party. you are such a good mom.

  5. Those chicken pox sores looks so painful. Poor little guy. I hope he's doing better!

  6. :( I'm sorry this little guy was suffering. It always breaks my heart to see them sick. I hope he is feeling better.

    On another note...tell Jordon thanks for paying tribute to one of my all time favorite shows when I was a kid!
