A weekend without their Mother?
Tomorrow morning Logan and I are flying to see Colby and Char in Hilton Head. I just found out last week so this has not been planned for long. It is kind of a sore subject to bring up with the kids because:
A: I am going to be gone
B: I am going to Aunt Chars house without them
Jacksons reaction has been like most of his, OK have a good time. Although he did ask when he was going?
Jordan, looked like a deer caught in headlights. How will she ever be able to function without me. I told her that I had a very tiny small life outside of just being a Mom!
Larson yelled at the dinner table: "I"m going to cry like a baby, wha wha wha"
If I hear one of the kids ask one more time, "Is Dad going to babysit us?"
He is your Father, he is not babysitting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, Tom will get the play by play book given to him on how to survive without the Mom in the house.
(out of all fairness, I couldn't do his job even with a play by play book)
I swear we need to keep those playbooks we type out to show the kids when they are bigger ... caroline