We were lucky to have Nana and Grampy visit us in December this year so the kids could do holiday activities with them. Austin gave them weather from the 80's to the 30's while they were here.
We celebrated Nana's birthday with a nice dinner and presents from the kids. Jenny Boynton, a good friend that grew up with Tom and Chris in Toledo came over (she lives in Austin now with her son Fred) Grampy gave the kids gold dollar coins with the first 7 Presidents. That was a project that he had worked on for a few days. He made them memorize the Presidents first before he gave them the coins.
They joined us for church!
Thank you Nana & Grampy for visiting with us. I am sure that you both are recovering from 5 kids, yes 5. we are counting Larson as 2 as he never let them have a break. Carol and Jim shopped, watched kids, did laundry, did laundry some more, cooked and fixed things around the house. Most important spent so much time with the kids.
We had a very nice adult dinner at the new UT club. It was our first time in it and it was very beautiful. A great place to have dinner and it be less than a minute from your house.
Thank you Nana & Grampy for visiting with us. I am sure that you both are recovering from 5 kids, yes 5. we are counting Larson as 2 as he never let them have a break. Carol and Jim shopped, watched kids, did laundry, did laundry some more, cooked and fixed things around the house. Most important spent so much time with the kids.
How fun to have family come and see you for a while. I love that you count Larson as two kids, and that in all the festive holiday celebrating pictures you managed to get a little break to have a Diet Dr. Pepper. How perfect is that.