Sunday, January 25, 2009

Watch Me Grow

Logan 1 year old

Watch Me Grow
From 1 month to 12

Its Ok that you are thinking we gave birth to a little baby chimpanzee. All of ours came out that way. Quite a transformation from 1 to 12 months. Evolution scientist would love to get their hands on these 12 pics to prove their theory of chimp to man.


  1. Happy Birthday Logan Crawford ... we just made it in time at 11:40pm. we love you so much!!!

  2. Chimp to man... hilarious, but so not true. He's one handsome, happy little guy. Happy Birthday Logan!

  3. Logan is such a cute boy! I got major warm fuzzies from holding him yesterday, after he stopped screaming of course. :-)

  4. Can you believe a year has gone by since this litte one came to you? I can't! What a sweetie, and so handsome. And aren't you back to being the super woman you've always been? I knew it would come around again! Love the photos from birth to now. You are so good at doing that, I never was. :(

  5. I seriously can't believe he's one already. He is so cute! I love that little smile!

  6. I love seeing the month to month pictures! And I can't believe how he has turned into such a little boy, and definitely ALL boy. What a cutie.
