Friday, May 29, 2009

Colby's Graduation

Colby- A Texas Longhorn!!!

I still can not believe she is coming to Texas. She had so many opportunities for great Universities (USC, UCLA, NYU, waitlisted for Duke- just to name a few). I guess the words full academic scholarship offered to her by Texas meant allot and she is attending one of the best Universitites!

I seriously made a deal with her when she was applying to schools that if she applied to Texas she would have us here and her Aunt Buddy would do her laundry for her every 2 weeks. I didnt ever think that I would actually have to keep my end of the deal up. If that is what it takes to have her here I will wash away gladly.

First she had to graduate from Hilton Head Prep


I dont think that there were any tears shed this day. Everyone knows that Colby was so ready to move on!

I am not exactly sure where all the smarts came that Colby got but we are proud of her accomplishments. Charlene has to be proud of a full scholarship.

How do we celebrate everything in our family?


You might ask what is this? Besides one of the cutest kids in the world, he is wearing the lucky ping pong hat. You play much better while wearing it.

Just ask Papa


  1. a longhorn! hook 'em. As a wife of a guy who just graduated from UT, we couldn't say anything but great things about it. We loved being a longhorn family!! How fun to have your niece so close.

  2. You make me laugh Buddy. Do you think if I make the same offer to Andrew or Katie they would come to the University of Washington? I think it is worth a shot!
    :) Mere
