Monday, May 18, 2009

Quest Independant study

It's a happy day when the presentation is done and we can put four months of study behind us. The actual presentation is Jackson's favorite part of the entire Quest year.

He started his study on rocks and crystals but somehow the teacher got him narrowed down to arrowheads. Did not sound so exciting to me but he was into it.

This was his arrowhead making machine that he invented for his product. It was pretty funny because he put a black rock in and did his steps to then pull out a hidden black arrowhead.
This is allot of work for a 3rd grader but he will be really good at research projects in high school.


  1. Nice project! Arrowheads are interesting to me. Would you believe I even have an arrowhead rubber stamp? Good job, Jackson. And no long-term project would be complete without the help of a loving mom, so kudos to you too, Buddy.

  2. Looks like a great project. I'm sure you are both glad it is finished.
