Monday, July 27, 2009

Colby's UT Orientation

Charlene and Colby were actually in Austin waiting on us since we drove and they flew. They stayed at a hotel downtown since Colby had a very full schedule for the week. I wanted to get some pics of Colby on the campus but it just did not work out. Her first day, she was not too sure. She did not know anyone but soon met girls and one was from Georgia, very close to home. She took care of all her orientation check list and managed a few nights out.
Meanwhile, the boys, Char and I had a very fun filled week. It was really fun staying downtown and just enjoying the city from a different perspective. There are many weeks when I dont leave the bubble of Steiner Ranch. Tom was able to just come over from work and run in Zilker, swim with the kids, get Sno Beach snow cones. These are the best snow cones that I have ever had and all agreed when they tasted them. Their hotel room overlooked the Congress bridge and hence the flying of the bats was an incredible view. We have viewed from down below a few times but I had never seen them like this. It really is a cool thing.
So reality hit Char that Colby is in college now. Reality hit me that I have a closet full of Colbys clothes and that she will be moving into her dorm in 3 weeks. There is still a big shock factor for me that this is all happening. Cant wait for fall semester to begin for her.
I will add in that Colby is on full academic scholarship. That is a great accomplishment Colby!

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