Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pool Fun

Leave it up to Aunt Char to buy Logan his own pool which was very cool, unfortunately I had to be in it with him for him to stay.
The rain was not going to ruin their fun!

Larson would swim all day long but only with his goggles on. I think this summer I have already bought him 4 pair and their allowed limit was one pair.

We love Aunt Chars pool. It makes it harder to come back to our community pools. I know how that sounds but I will admit that I have one deep envy and want in this world. That would be our own private pool. Our family has always been water people and once you have your own (or Aunt Chars) you can kind of relate with me. You don't have to pack a pool bag or even lunch. You just go in and get what you need. You don't have to stop other kids from taking all of your toys because their mothers are too lame to even pack any. I don't have to keep my kids from staring down others that have snacks in hand. I certainly do not count on a life guard to be watching over my own children. That is my job and it irritates me to hear the whistles blow to stop a child from simply being a kid and having fun but you know there are pool rules. At my very own pool there would be a personalized sign that reads NO POOL RULES. Here is my favorite of all. It is 100 out and you have packed all the bags and the kids are just ready to jump in the pool when the life guards blow the whistle and it is adult swim. I feel like standing on the side and yelling KIDS COME TO THE POOL TO SWIM NOT SIT ON THE SIDE.
If anyone is shocked at my editorial just remember that it is my inner secret and you are not to tell anyone about this.
(I would go on to say how I am really grateful for the beautiful community pools that we have in Steiner but that would ruin the effect of my editorial).
So I am off to pack our bags and hit the community pool!

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