Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Circus

At the Arboretum shopping with my sister and she sees an advertisement for the circus. Feeling bad that she has not been able to see the kids as much with moving Colby in she attempts to get tickets. It was sold out for that night but she got them for another day.

So here we are. I didnt plan the kids shirts looking like they were part of the circus.

The kids thought it was cool but wasnt exactly sure what they were going to see.

I have to say that this was the best circus that I have ever ever seen. It was an amazing show! A definite cross between the circus and a Cirque du Soleil show. Aunt Char is always such a good sport to go and do kid things!

Logan was super tired but the show captivated all of his attention.

He was just sitting and watching everything and clapping but I can not explain the excitement that came over him when the elephants came out. He was jumping out of his seat and waving at them frantically. It was unbelievable at how he reacted to the elephants. It was such a cool moment for all of us to see Logan. The kids could not even get over it! He must have this thing about elephants that goes much deeper than just the one he carries around. Make no mistake, he loves his elephant. Char said it was worth every penny spent on tickets to have that moment.
(she spent lots of pennies on these tickets)

Jackson loved the motorcycles in the ball. They ended up with 9 in there at one time. I have no idea how they do that! Very amazing!

We all loved the show so much. A huge thank you to Aunt Char!

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