Guess which brother loves Valentines Day more than the other
This pretty much sums up my place in this family.
Roses are Red
Violets are blue
You give us dinner
I love you.
Jordan just thinks that it is a big rip off in middle school that you dont get to celebrate holidays with class parties.
I managed to go to both boys parties but that equated to 3 hours spent at school with a 2 year old.
I really wanted to get out of there but Jackson just had to wait for them to see who won the "guess the amount of M&M's in the jar"
It paid off as he was the winner.
I didnt even get a picture of all of them. I did manage heart shaped pancakes and they loved that.
You did more than I did this year. We went to our friends house to celebrate and she did all the work! It was great~! (I did actually decorate for Valentine's this year though, I usually skip right over it with all the birthdays squeezed in there.)