This was the right year to start Jackson in Pop Warner tackle football. He was doing well in flag football and this will give him 2 years experience with tackle before his middle school team.
"It takes a Village" is an understatement when it comes to this team sport.
Sweat is a way of life for Jackson and many showers.
Toms words at the end of last season flag football. "I'm going to take a break from coaching". Toms words this summer, "I think I'm going to help coach Jackson's football team".
What does this mean for our family?
With practice 4-5 days, coaches meetings, and games, it will take our family being its own team working together. This is just one kids commitment. We will add in 2 more kids and Logan will be in tow.
Conditioning for Jackson did not start on Aug.1st. When we signed him up, Jaxs and I made a commitment to each other to train through the summer and thats what we did. It started in Hilton Head with him running, push ups, situps with Mom or Dad.
When we got back to Texas, we continued with that and added in agility and football drills. This was not always easy for Jackson and there were some frustrating moments for us all.
Jackson kept his commitment and after finishing the first practice, I'm sure Jackson was so thankful for all those hard workouts.
Tom is the conditioning coach.

Jackson asked Dad to go easier on the pushups.
They have 8 coaches and 25 players. So far I have been so impressed with all coaches and the kids are there to work and showing effort. I guess all the messing around stops in 4th grade and these boys get serious.
It just has been so exciting watching this team already come together.
This was an obstacle course and for Tom and I this was a good picture to see after a long day. When we zoomed in on it, we could see that he was smiling.
He has alot to learn! We need his focus and effort to keep improving to make sure he stays happy and in this game. We have been so pleased with Jackson and the effort he has been giving so far. If you have been in Pop Warner before then you know how grueling the first two weeks are. Jackson has not complained one time about leaving for practice and has even been excited a couple of times.

drill after drill. No stopping! When the whistle blows, dont be the last one there!
End of a practice!
Straight to a shower.
Day 2, they were running Karaoke with a drill and Jaxs had no idea how to do it. We came home and worked on the driveway. He's a pro at it. Love to be able to show him how quickly you can learn something if you give the effort.
Week 2: "conditioning" hours are logged and full pads begins.
I'm sitting watching practice and practically wet with sweat. These guys are in full pads and helmets and working out hard in triple digits in the sun every practice. I have already thought about the happy day that I can tell Jackson it is below 90 degrees and we are going to have a cooler practice.
How cool is it to have your Dad be one of the coaches. For so many reasons: he is spending so much time with Jackson, he can keep Jaxs on track when needed, Tom now has an inside on where Jackson can always improve, Tom can take the full load of football from me when I have to start all the kids schedules.
This will be an experience that Tom and Jackson will always remember.
Jordan has been a huge help with Larson and Logan. She has kept them at home alot so they did not have to be out in the heat and I still can go and watch the practice. This night, she had plans and I love being there so I brought them along. I really didnt get to actually watch most of the practice and it was 2 more kids to shower but I still loved getting to see what I did.
Oh, I can so relate, Buddy! I just loved going to every football practice and game last year that Christopher had and am going to miss football season this year in Taiwan! So please enjoy every second for you and for me. :-)