Thursday, August 5, 2010

Girls Camp 2010

Jordan looks forward to this camp all year.
Looks like this year was right down her alley. They had more candy than they could ever eat in 5 days. I am so serious when I was shocked how much candy she brought home. Plus I witnessed it on the night I went there.

Camp Nameless
Weird name but beautiful country views

The theme was Wizard of Oz, "Theres no place like home"
On Thursday night I was able to come and visit for our ward night. I was so happy to be there with Jordan and see what she was experiencing. I came home with such a feeling of there is no greater place and environment for our daughter to be at than this church camp.

It took me a while that night to realize she had grown a lions tail. She got this for showing courage.

And this is why Im so happy to only come and visit camp. This little fellow is a deadly coral snake that quickly lost his life along with 2 rattle snakes. Scorpions come with the cabins as an extra bonus.
There are two types of Coral snakes. The saying goes red on black, a friend of Jack. Red on yellow kill the fellow. Let me tell, you if I come across one of these friendly or not, Im not taking the time to think of that little rhyme.

They have cabins but I really think that I would prefer a tent that I could have it all clean and be done with it. Of course, I would probably die through the night of heat exhaustion so Im thankful they have cabins with ac in them.

This camp has a little of everything. Jordan learns so much, feels the spirit many times throughout the day, gets closer to all the girls, her testimony grows, and tons and tons of fun.
She loves camp but there is NO PLACE LIKE HOME, she loves her first shower and sleeping in her bed when she gets back home.

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