Friday, January 21, 2011

Christmas Eve/Day 2010

Milk and cookies for Santa, some carrots for the reindeer,
Uncle Chris making a gingerbread train with the kids,
big dinner, singing songs, reading stories, reflecting on the birth of Jesus Christ,
Pretty much sums up our Christmas Eve.
All kids were excited and very easy to get to bed. They had the reasoning of, the sooner you go to bed the sooner it would be Christmas morning.

Santa found his way to our house.

Santa is having to become more creative as the kids get older, it is harder to fill such large stockings. The gifts keep getting much smaller and way more expensive.

Roberts tradition:
We dont care what time you get up but your not allowed to leave the staircase until we tell you.

We have 3 additional guest in our Christmas morning picture:
The Grinch, our cat Jaden, and our step dog, Zoey.

Logan did a nice job opening his presents. Play dough and moon sand were probably his favorites. Thats easy on the wallet.

Jackson had a very nice Christmas. He by far had the largest wrapped gifts. He got a football dummy to actually play with but it looks very cool in his room. He also got a large football mural for his wall. Leggos high on the list and we all love the snuggies!

Jordan had a very nice Christmas too but not sure why there are not pictures of her with her gifts. I guess I just missed that one. She got True Religion jeans and a Juicy purse. She got lots of other cute clothes, music, make up- all girl stuff. She was real happy and has looked so cute going to school each day.

Larson stole the show this year when that Santa brought him an I-touch. I dont think that Santa was aware of how fast technology moves as his is now way better than his older brothers and sisters! There is some jealousy when I-touches are talked about at our house and we have a 2 year old that just goes around and screams I-touch very loudly until one of them caves and gives him a turn.
How young is too young to own an I-Touch???

Love, love, love these pictures of Larson. He really was so surprised and so very happy and so thankful. He was so patient waiting to have one of his own.

Some more fun for Larson! Creationary from Pat Pat and Papa.

Uncle Chris is in the house and so is Jackson's brand new gun. (well, actually it left the house Christmas night as I will not let it be in our house.) Jackson is so excited about his new sport of hunting. This was quite a gift for him. I'm told that he will be able to pass it down to little brothers. I guess this means they will all be hunters.

One more gift to open from Uncle Chris and Grampy. A big TV for the kids in the game room!
This really surprised them all. I was very impressed with Toms skills of running cables and getting it mounted up on the wall. The kids are having a blast with all of their gaming stations hooked up to it. Jordan and I have watched more than one chick flick on it. Very Fun!

We ended the night with Christmas dinner. We had all of our favorites. Chris was able to bring his friend Stephanie and Ben, one of Toms coworkers joined us.
This Christmas was much quieter than last year but it was very nice.
Very thankful for the time the kids had off of school even if it was a crazy week preparing for Christmas.

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