So, here we are after a successful night of camping. I seriously missed the meeting where camping was planned. I didnt even know that we were doing it until 1 week prior. That way was probably better as if I had of had an opinion Im not sure that we would have been camping.
There was alot of fun to be had and I really did enjoy myself.
Upon arriving to the camp and trying to get things set up, I could only imagine myself on Survivor. I laughed many times as I had no idea how to get this tent up. Even funnier, the tent was huge and it belonged to us. I didnt even know that we owned one. Quite a nice model if I do say.
Here are the girls fearless leaders for the night: Tracy, Jane, Minda, and myself.
We had a huge spread of food including gourmet cupcakes, smores, and Tracy made a cake over the fire. I had never heard of such a thing.
I was really worried about being cold but I made it through the night and was never cold except for the tip of my nose if I stuck it out of the sleeping bag. I was very amazed that I was comfortable except for the hard ground. Tracy and I shared a tent. I had stayed up late writing a talk that I was to give Sunday in church. When I quietly snuck into the tent, I laid back and just stared up at the stars. That was a very cool and peaceful moment.
Hello! I just wanted to say "HI" to you, Buddy! I've been checking out your blog and photos and it's great to see what you're up to. I can't believe you ran your marathon as sick as you were--what a trooper! All the birthday pics of everyone, the fun activities, etc., has been exciting, I'm sure. There's never a dull moment on the Roberts' Ranch! Greetings from Taiwan!