Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Little Playground Time

I can totally remember the days that we use to spend at the park with Jordan. She was our only baby and obviously I had allot more time on my hands. Jackson fared pretty well on the playground time too.

Now most of the outside kids time is spent at sporting events. Larson will take any time I can give him at the park.

Logan too!
He is just now big enough where I dont have to worry about the edges of the playscapes. I think he can handle them now.

After Larsons soccer game, we ended up at this park. There was enough time and nothing else on the agenda for a couple of hours. The weather was beautiful and I loved just watching Larson and Logan have fun. Jordan was a good sport and just hung out with us.

I had my camera with me from the game so I was able take some playground photos so the little ones will not feel left out when they are older.

Jordan bought sno cones for her brothers.
I do miss the days of just hanging out at playgrounds but dynamics changed as our family grew.
Its not so easy to plan a playdate at the park when you have teenagers to preschoolers in the house.

1 comment:

  1. Jordan is so gorgeous!!! I can't believe how grown up she looks. The boys are as cute as ever. Give everyone a big hug for Tyler and I.
