Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Quest X Two and a Little Art Too

Jackson picked the topic of stuntmen for his presentation. I didnt think this was the best topic but it is what he wanted. He was pretty far behind due to being in the DI competition at the same time.
He was able to pull it together and as always is really comfortable with the presentation part of it. Jackson's was a winner with his class mates. It was real exciting and he had 2 videos to go with it.
Jackson did a fight scene for a movie he was making. Poor Larson was his victim. Larson loved it and was quite the actor as he staggered around the room.

Jackson always gets one of his artwork pieces chosen for the Leander ISD art show.
This one was a pencil sketch of a light switch.

Larson had been living for this independent study for over a year when he saw Jacksons last year. It was an every day event in his life. He always had bigger and better ideas and 100% did this on his own. Jackson helped make a wooden rhino just for fun to add.
The boys support each other in Quest.

His product: He wants to go to Africa to plant more vegetation so the Rhinos which are endangered will have enough food.
Larsons presentation/acting skills are crazy good. He thrives on it. His entrance was the best. He had music and played the part. Not sure that the videos will work but proud of both boys. So glad each year when Quest Fair is over. Even better this year, both boys agreed to throw the projects away instead of trying to stash up in their rooms somewhere. Very thankful for the Quest program and what it offers Jackson and Larson.

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