Monday, May 9, 2011

We Love Aunt Char Char

Everyone loves when Aunt Char Char comes to play. She had not been here since the beginning of Dec.
Colby was having a heart break weekend with her boyfriend so timing was perfect. Every girl needs her Mom.

Char was a PE teacher and a very god one at that. The entire weekend she worked with the kids on skills. Here she was with Larson and would only let him use his weak foot to play. He seriously has improved because he is not afraid to use his left foot when needed.

The kids love when they have family come to their games!
Love, love, love Larson playing soccer!
Every game he gets really winded from all the running.

Logan knows what it is to be at a field and cheer his siblings on.
Logan loves that he gets to go to some of Aunt Chars favorite restaurants.

Of Course, we throw in one of Jackson's flag football games.
He is so proud to have Aunt Char with him.

Aunt Char came bearing birthday presents for all. Jordan had no interest in Justin Beiber until I made her go and see his movie. Now she is a huge fan! She has Logan going around the house singing, Baby, Baby, baby, ooohhh!

An authentic autograph with the certificate of authenticity.
She loves it!

Jordan is in a musical right now so no sports but she got to have a couple of just girls outings.
Shopping and eating- skills I'm glad that my daughter has acquired from me.
I love all the time I get with my sister. Here we are pretending to be country club ladies hanging at the club. I'm not even a member, I always go on Michelle's ticket. However, this was a great lunch. Just Char and myself getting to have a last few laughs before we headed to the airport. We did get to house shop a little while she was here. I keep myself very guarded where that is concerned because I cant even imagine living close to my sister again. A girl can wish very hard though!

1 comment:

  1. I love that last pictures of you and your sis! Looks like such a fun week. I love when family comes.
