Saturday, July 30, 2011

Aunt Jackie, Sage, & Haylie Visit

My sister Jackie came to visit from NC.
Char, Jackie, and I enjoyed one dinner out with our friend San Juan.
Endless hours of fun to be had at the beach. A perfect place to play and spend time with cousins.

Lunch time for Logan was always in his stroller followed by a "walk". The walk always ended with an afternoon nap.

Even the best constructed sand castles come down with the tides.
Sage & Jackson
Aunt Jackie was total fun for Logan in the pool

Jordan built a castle for Logan
He sat and decorated with shells
This was a message to Tom but my phone was dead so I couldnt send it.
Time for sand ball wars.
Sage and Jackson VS Haylie and Larson.
They each made forts for protection and lots of sand balls. Then they had fun having their sand ball fight.
Logan's fun was tearing down the forts of sand.
4th of July was very low key for us this year. We spent the day at the beach and then came back to Chars house. We only had sparklers. If we had of gone to see the big fireworks, we would have been hours in traffic to get home and we were leaving for NC the next morning.
Very thankful for the time we had together. So sweet seeing these kids together

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