Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Week with the Kanes

So this isnt the Kanes house but their new home is just about this big and certainly beautiful. I have this picture here because I turn at the Orlando temple to get to their home. From every back window of the house you see the temple and at night it lights the sky. For me this was such a comforting feeling. I have never lived close to a temple much less look at it every day.
So this post really isnt about the Orlando temple but about being so happy to be able to come and spend time with one of my favorite families. Yes, the house is like a Frontgate home on a lake but they make it a very peaceful loving home and I love being a part of that.
Allot of time is spent outside as they have an incredible pool. What a great way to spend the day.
William would have to put up with Logan and share all his pool figurines.
Thanks so much for letting us stay with you. I always love being around all of you! The kids had a great time and loved being with your kids. As Colby always said, why cant we all just live in one big house. Well, Caroline you almost have that house but I promise I wont ever ask to move in. Just hope the invitation is always there to come and visit.

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