Jordan entering High School. This is a big wow for me. I remember my first day like it was not that long ago and here she is (so we do know that was long ago). I feel like the count down is on. 4 years until she moves on. I want to take in all of those 4 years and make them the best.
It has been very exciting getting to learn all about our new high school. I have been able to see both the academic and athletic sides of the school. It is an incredible campus and our kids are so very lucky to have a school like this to go to every day. She may not appreciate the every day but I know she will love it there.
The coolest thing about her going to school the first day- it was just like the last 3 weeks of dropping her off there every morning before the sun comes up for practice. There were not any tears from me as it was just like another day. Jordan didn't have to be nervous as she already knew what she was doing. Joining the XC team gave her a set of friends and lots of upper classmen to show her the way.
Middle School- another first for Jackson. I have to say, like we didnt already know this but a HUGE difference between a girl entering middle school and a boy entering. Jackson was just so laid back about the entire thing. He went to Eagle camp, a small orientation and acted like he had already done this many times before. He didnt seem nervous at all and he just kept saying , "Ive got this". I think that he does have this. He has adjusted to the middle school with complete confidence. He does have to actually study for test now and that was something to get use to. He changes out for PE every day and has not forgotten his clothes yet. Jaxs had to get use to the concept that some times teachers have you come in before or after school. He had to learn a new level of responsibility very quickly. The funniest difference so far between Jordan and Jackson was the first school dance. Jordan planned for weeks ahead and had a pre dance party at our house. I forgot that Jackson was even going to his first dance as they changed the time to start right after school. He liked it but had to leave early for football practice.
Jackson really really likes being at the middle school.
One more funny thing- he will only wear sports clothes to school and thats fine with me. I gave up on nice shirts and plaid shorts a long time ago. The one thing that I did notice was that I had bought him black socks over the summer because that is the new trend. He continued to wear his white socks right up until he got to the middle school. He converted to black very quickly.
Larson-starting 2nd grade.
Larson is the easiest this year as he is at the same school and keeps the same schedule. He is also the easiest because he takes pride in getting himself completely prepared and ready each day by himself. (unfortunately quite literally a few times as I was getting Jordan to early morning seminary)
Larson has big goals set for the year and I know he will work hard towards them.
Logan was excited to finally get to go to school. He did not start for 2 weeks after the other kids. He gets to go to speech class on Mon and Wed. and he goes to St. Lukes preschool on Tues. and Thursdays. Logan is second to wake up in the morning and the 4th to leave. Once Jackson is gone each morning, Logan asks if it is his turn. Yes, Logan it is your turn!
Logan has his hair back... I recognize him again. Seth misses seeing him in speech.