Saturday, November 12, 2011

VHS Homecoming 2011

Jordan's first mum.
I knew a little about this Texas tradition just from knowing some older kids. I did a pretty good job on Jordan's for her just being a freshman and she will not even be at school on Friday when they wear them. She had a district meet on that day. So all of this so she could wear it to the big game. I was happy to do it for her.
Jackson's Pop Warner team was in the parade. He really had allot of fun. Tom was chaperoning this group of boys so he was not having as much fun!
Jordan had to choose between choir, student council, drama, and cross country floats. She walked as a Freshman with her cross country team.
Larson and Logan were with me on the parade route. It was so much fun for them but sooooo totally ridiculous at the amounts of candy that each of them gathered.

Onto the game
It wont be long before these two are on the field for this game.
As always, Jordan sang the National Anthem with her choir.
I had never seen so many glow sticks. They were giving handfuls to everyone walking in.
Fireworks are banned so VHS brought in a really cool lazer light show into the stadium. I think I like that as our new tradition. It was very cool!

VHS has their very first Homecoming King and Queen.

At the game, Larson caught one of the Viper T shirts that they shoot out of a canon. You would have thought he won a million dollars. It was so funny!! Everyone around was laughing and thought he was the cutest thing ever.
Homecoming week sure is a busy one but I really love the community feel of that week and all the fun activities.
VHS won the game!
I loved Jordan's comment when we got home.
She said it looked like the boys just came from a flea market.

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