Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Logan

Our baby is 4 years old!

Logan gets our traditional family party
Looking at this picture I realize our kids are all getting much bigger
Hot Wheels is the theme.
We went to HEB and he started by looking at the cakes.
First he saw Strawberry Shortcake and he yells I want this one!
Then he sees Disney Princess and yells I want this one!
Then he saw Ninja Turtles and he yells I want this one!
I started to see a trend that he wanted every and any cake that he saw!
Once he saw the Hot Wheels, he said I want cars! I asked him if he wanted Mater and Lightening and he said no, Hot Wheels!
Hot wheels won

There is no shortage of hot wheels in this house.
Logan counted down the sleeps until he was going to see Colby
Easy decorations and even the wall paint color matched

Larson was in charge of games
Boy, thats a surprise.
This is Jordan's Madonna outfit.
We had Grandma Pat on skype so she could be with us at the party.

and ice cream
Logan was very excited to blow out the candles.
We are starting to see some of Larsons energetic personality in Logan
Oh, so many presents! The next day he was so cute taking each one and playing so nicely with them all. Uncle Chris went a little crazy with the play dough and art supplies but thats what he likes and has been using them every day.
Logan ran up stairs and came back down with his hat on.
Photo Booth shots!

We ended the night with his pinata. I sometimes really love the string pull ones but I think it bums the kids out. So more candy has arrived at our house. I dont think our home is ever candy free.
Logan had a great night. So blessed to have family here and our good friends the Hansons. Sam and Logan pretty much do most things together!
Logan at 4 may be registering at the age of 8! You cant contain him or stop him from doing what the other kids do. Its cool in most ways but I do feel like you miss out on a lot of the little toddler events. Thats just the pecking order of being the baby in the family.
Logan does well in speech, school, and church classes.
Like I said, we are really starting to see a very outgoing personality and very excitable about almost anything.
I cant help the fact that my 4 year old talks about hunting and killing deer. I swear I went to get him out of bed and he had a flashlight and a deer and hunting magazine in bed with him. Isnt he suppose to be into the Mickey Mouse Club House???
He is definitely the baby of the family and gets the most attention from all of us. He is cute and we love him even if he does not realize he is only 4!

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