Sunday, March 18, 2012

Valentines Day 2012

I think that my kids were trying to punk me this year. Leading up to Valentines Day the 3 older ones were talking about how amazing I make Valentines Day for them and went on and on. I thought that was weird because I really dont do that much. As it continued on, I thought I bet that got together and said if we tell Mom how special she makes us feel on Valentines Day then maybe she will have to go overboard.
It didnt work, they got the usual.
Heart pancakes for breakfast, a little chocolate, and a bunch of I love you's.

This creation was born on February 1st. Larson knows its February and he just starts freaking out that he has to get his Valentine box ready or it may not be done in time and then he wouldn't get any Valentines for his friends. I had a couple of cute ideas that I was going to share with him but he just couldn't wait. He got a box out and started to paint it. This is so Larson. He was sad when he took it to school because he thought his was the best ever but a girl brought in a box that actually lit up and hers was the talk of the class. It's Ok Larson, you still got Valentine's from all of your class mates.
Tom did the candy and cards for the kids.
I hosted one party for Larson's class this year and it was the Valentines party. He asked everyone if they knew that his mom was hosting for about a month before it happened. You would think that I was given this kid a million bucks for just doing his party.
Andrew, Aiden, Larson, and Jack.
Larson has so many nice friends her in Steiner Ranch. They are all a bit competitive so I cant wait to see how all of these friendships turn out around 5th and 6th grade.
Larson I love you and was so glad that I could host your Valentines Day party. I love the spunk you have!
Tom and I gave each other cards and called it good.
We know we love each other and we have a Vegas trip coming up very soon!

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