Thursday, August 9, 2012

Roberts Week on Hilton Head

Back together again on Hilton Head for a week of the beach life.

Logan hanging (literally) with Aunt Char.  She has always loved our babies so much and is always a good sport.

Quite the added bonus to have Tyler and Ashley with us for the weekend.
Every time that I am around Tyler she has a very serious face....
however, put her in the water and I have never seen a kid be sooooooo happy.  She was all smiles and would be using her legs and arms to swim the entire time.  Loved putting her face under the water.  I do remember even when she was tiny at the pool she would just be so calm and relaxed when she got in the water. 
Definitely a water baby.

Tropical storm means no sun and rain BUT it always means waves.

The waves are just instant fun.  Everyone loves them and Logan gets right in (which of course makes me nervous).

Hilton Head usually has pretty calm seas so to get a day of waves in a week is so perfect.

OK, now the sun is back and everyone is hanging at the beach.
Aunt Jackie, Sage, and Haylie got to stay for a few days after the baptism.

Uncle Doug and Becca flew in from Colorado.
A serious paleontologist session with Logan.
Tina and Chris were here for the week too.  Tina bought a casting net and that was hours of entertainment for the kids.  She is a great outdoors girl and knows what she is doing.  The kids were super excited to see what they could bring in each time.
Tina spotted a school of sting rays right at the waters edge.  She cast the net and yes, she had a sting ray.   That was crazy.  Not sure why I didnt get a picture of that.
Another great cast was Larsons.  He was screaming for Tina to cast it, he saw big fish and sure enough 2 fish we could have eaten for dinner.  Larson was soooooo excited.  Although was pretty timid about holding the squirmy little fellows.
Larson also found a huge Horseshoe crab.

In our happy place.
Im not sure who did this.  Cousin Meaghan was with us this week.  Of course Grampy, Nancy, and Aunt Mary were too but they did not get out to the beach very much.  I'll just blame one of them for encouraging Larsons eccentric personality.
Guess who she looks like?
Colby!  We got pictures out of Colby at 9 and they are a match.
Sand wars!
Its all fun and games until someone gets sand in their eyes.
For some odd reason, these kids love the sand war each year.
Sage and Jackson would love doing anything as long as they were together.

This was not a posed picture.  We look over and Logan must have skills that we dont know about yet.

Funny picture of Jackson.
Uncle Chris and Tina had the kids doing back flips in the air.

Roberts kids have always been beach babies.  They are completely entertained for the entire day.
Logan loves to swim!

All the family had taken off for their homes so we spent our last day at the Marriott Resort.
It was a perfect way to spend our last day on Hilton Head.
This picture was from the very first day we all got to HHI.  No one wanted to take this picture as everyone had been traveling but I knew if we did not take it right then, it probably would not happen later in the week.
Im right in the middle between all my sisters and my very best friend.
This is a very happy place for me!

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