Saturday, November 17, 2012

Dallas Zoo

So Logan and I got a special little weekend together while Jordan was running in Dallas.
It was so much fun just being with Logan.  Just the day before he came to me and said I want to go to a hotel.  I just blew him off and then within 24 hours we were hanging out at a hotel having lots of fun.

Driving into Dallas we passed the zoo and then about 10 mins later I get a call from Jordan on her charter bus.  She was so excited and told me that I had to take Logan to the zoo.  So next thing I know, we were walking into the zoo.

I remember taking Jackson to the Cincinnati zoo.  It brought back alot of those great memories.

elephants-  still one of his favorites!

A simple fall leave excited him!  We dont get many fall leaves.

The Giraffes were great!

Logan loved feeding them "SALAD"

Logan has lost his fear of goats!  The last zoo trip he was calling them dumb white horses and wouldnt get too close.  This time he was totally in charge and letting all the other kids around him know how to pet and feed them.

Yes, Logans hair has a few knots in it and has not been combed at all.  We had a little bit of a rush getting out of the hotel.
Jordan confirmed her running time for me the night before but it got changed the next morning.  Logan and I did the 2 second clean up and sprinted out the hotel and drove like a maniac to make it to her meet.
Hence, the hair was not contained today.

They had a great bird show.  Just like the one at Animal Kingdom.
Logan was spoiled rotten this weekend.  When you just have one kid with you it just doesnt seem as expensive.  I wonder why??
$5 here $5 there.  Sure Logan you can feed the giraffe, ride the monorail, carousel, and camels!

He was having so much fun!
I loved spending this time with him!
Look what was right next door to the zoo!
What a great weekend for Jordan, Logan, and I.

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