Saturday, March 30, 2013

Larson Plays Basketball

 Larson going to go play last game of the season.....
(then auditioning for a part in a mermaid movie.)
 Coach Bobby says undefeated season deserves big cones.
 All these boys have been Larson's team mates for about 5 years now.
 I will call this photo "The Handshake"
Larson is known around town for being one of the nicest kids.  
He never leaves a practice, sporting event, or any other event for that matter without a thank you and a hand shake.
Maybe he will be a politician.
(I hope not!)
And we add another trophy to the shelf.
Love watching him play.
Love this kid.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Track 2013

Track season is in full swing.
Jordan is running the 1600 and 3200
She is running JV and still running a PR in every race.
She is enjoying running JV because she likes medaling.

 This is the transformation that happens to your body after running almost 2 years.
She may be tiny but she has some muscles.
Logan there to cheer Jordan on.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Raising the Flags

 For Larson to complete his Wolf badge he needed to help raise the flags at school.
He was lucky enough to have Principal Rose assist him.
 A little harder to complete the task on a very windy day.

Thank you Larson and Principal Rose!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Logan Plays Soccer

 OK,  I understand that Logan looks like he just joined a roller derby team.
I had kids in every direction this morning and it was cold out to start the day.
Then there is the long hair situation that we have to find what works to keep it out of his eyes for sports.

In typical Logan fashion, if soccer and Logan were ever mentioned in the same sentence he would scream back,  "NO, YOU PLAY SOCCER, IM NOT GOING TO PLAY SOCCER, YOU CREEPER!   You may think that I am a horrible mother because I ignore him when he says that.  Its because I know how he works.  I took Larson and Logan to Academy to get Larson all his new soccer gear.  Larson first picked out his new cleats and tried them on.  Two seconds later Logan wanted a pair and then he was running up and down the aisle with them on like a maniac kicking an air soccer ball like no ones business.  You would have though the kids was a professional.  See, I didnt have to get engaged with a going no where conversation with our 5 year old.  I let him figure it out on his own that he was going to play soccer.  PS  Being a creeper in our household is really a sign of Logans love towards you.
 Right away Logan went running to his coach with arms crossed in front, saying "Thats not fair, she pushed me"  I thought here we go but he made a quick recovery from his annoying opponent.
Half time snack:  He ate it like he didnt have food for a week.
We will have to see how this soccer season goes for Logan.
At the least, he will be entertaining.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lunch Date

Logan and Colby PF Changin'

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Valentines 2013

2 dozen for preschool, 2 dozen for Larsons class, 2 dozen for the high school, 2 dozen for teachers, 2 dozen for Tom to share with his home teaching families, and then a few for us!

 Larsons variation of a pinterest valentine box.
The kids could actually get a piece of  gum when they put in a valentine.
 Larson's Valentine party at school.

 Valentine treats for the kids
 kiss and hug from Logan
Jordan loves Valentines Day.  She just calls it Chocolate Day!
Tom and I went out for a nice dinner.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Jordan Goes to Disney

Dropped Jordan at the airport and off she went to Disney with her choir group.
She was excited to say the least.

 It didnt take long before she was sending me all kinds of pictures.
Front row seating and back stage passes.

Glad she finally got this shirt.  We had seen this the last couple of times at Disney.

Disneys Broadway Magic Workshop
Jordan was cast as Jane.
Said it was a blast!

Was so happy that Jordan could have her independence and go with her choir group BUT
This trip got me a little sentimental as I was constantly getting updates from her from far away.  It wont be long now and she will be off to college.  I will be home, the only girl and 4 boys.
Seriously not ready for that but at the same time so happy watching her grow into an incredible young girl.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Winter Break

Thanksgiving break, a couple weeks of school, Christmas break, Martin Luther, teachers need a break break, then we have winter break.  Not to worry because spring break will be right after that.
Dont get me wrong, I love breaks.  I dont like trying to fill the breaks with random activities if we are not away on a trip.

Kids got pretty excited to find the Mystery Machine in the parking lot of Cracker Barrel.

 I do like when we do something new in Austin.
I had riding the metro train on the list for about 4 years.  
It was a gorgeous day and we headed to the train station.
The train is super nice and we rode into downtown.
We hung out downtown for the afternoon.
Riding home on the train on a Friday at 5:30 was quite a different experience.  PACKED!!  Standing room only and person to person.  It felt like we were in NYC or Europe.  A little challenging with the kids all tired.
Never the less, I was able to fill the day with another Austin First.

Logan Having a Ton of Fun!

Logan went to his first birthday party of a friend from Preschool.
He was nonstop ball of energy.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Home Depot

Hammer and nails....
makes a boys morning complete.

Logan adds in the orange workers apron and he is all set.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Logan Turns 5

Logan started his birthday with a visit to Chuck E Cheese.
His friend Sam came to join him for lots of cool games and pizza.
See Aunt Char, you dont have to be in Vegas to play The Wheel.
Excited to be 5!
Aunt Char took him to the Domain to ride the train.

While downtown swimming at the Hyatt, Batman made an appearance thanks to Aunt Char.
It was such a beautiful day and having so much fun hanging out.

Sams Mom made Logan this awesome bouquet of suckers!

He loved the Batman cake!

Lots of fun presents.
The pinata tradition gets a little crazy but its always fun.

Jordan's dramatic flair over the death of batman.

15 down to 5
Our oldest and youngest
Logan and Sam
Photo booth Fun!

Always fun at our family parties.
Logan you are our wild one.  You gave us trouble from the very start!
Why stop now.  I think we are all adjusted to it.  You will either age Mom and Dad fast or keep us young.
No matter what, you brought something to our family that we didnt have before.
We all love you so much!  Your just way to cute!
No matter how old you get, you will always be our baby.