Friday, March 15, 2013

Logan Plays Soccer

 OK,  I understand that Logan looks like he just joined a roller derby team.
I had kids in every direction this morning and it was cold out to start the day.
Then there is the long hair situation that we have to find what works to keep it out of his eyes for sports.

In typical Logan fashion, if soccer and Logan were ever mentioned in the same sentence he would scream back,  "NO, YOU PLAY SOCCER, IM NOT GOING TO PLAY SOCCER, YOU CREEPER!   You may think that I am a horrible mother because I ignore him when he says that.  Its because I know how he works.  I took Larson and Logan to Academy to get Larson all his new soccer gear.  Larson first picked out his new cleats and tried them on.  Two seconds later Logan wanted a pair and then he was running up and down the aisle with them on like a maniac kicking an air soccer ball like no ones business.  You would have though the kids was a professional.  See, I didnt have to get engaged with a going no where conversation with our 5 year old.  I let him figure it out on his own that he was going to play soccer.  PS  Being a creeper in our household is really a sign of Logans love towards you.
 Right away Logan went running to his coach with arms crossed in front, saying "Thats not fair, she pushed me"  I thought here we go but he made a quick recovery from his annoying opponent.
Half time snack:  He ate it like he didnt have food for a week.
We will have to see how this soccer season goes for Logan.
At the least, he will be entertaining.

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