Thursday, February 27, 2014

Roatan, Honduras

Our kids have always liked all the little stores.

We went to the beach very early in the morning so it was not too crowded.
Tom, Jordan, and Jackson went off to their excursion.

This beach had everything that you would need.  It was built for the cruise ships so it has all the tourist things but that can be nice too.

Larson, Logan, and I left for Gumbalimba Park.
We took about an hour ride thru Roatan. A Very poverty stricken country.  I thought that it was going to be a little nicer than it was. Larson was just watching everything go by and he was really taken back at how the people there lived.  A good experience for him.

 This was the beach at Gumblimba.  Just an ok beach.  We had other things to do anyway.

Tom, Jackson, and Jordan were zip lining.

They loved this adventure! They couldnt say enough about it.
This was a park but there are no fences or cages to hold any of these animals in.  They are free to roam as they please.

An entire flock of Parrots would fly over your head.

No one was scared to do the swinging bridge.

Exploring a cave that pirates once hid treasures in.
Iguanas everywhere.
We just toured around and took in all the sights waiting for our zip liners to get back.

Amazing to be in a jungle with playful monkeys all around.

The monkeys went crazy with Logans hair.  They would mess it all up and then try to eat it.

So so adorable!

This one monkey kept stealing Larson's hair gel and wiping it all over himself.

A little grooming going on.
He wanted to know who did her highlights.

Jackson got some baby monkeys on him.

I seriously want a pet monkey now.
They were so soft and playful.

I used a big lens to get this photo. 
He was way up in a tree.
Our visit to Gumbalimba was one of the coolest things ever.  Had such a great time there.

Back for some beach time.
We explored around and played in the water some.

We really enjoyed our day at Roatan.
Back to the ship.

We were having a later dinner so we stayed out on the deck and played around until it was time to get ready.

We went to all the family comedy shows. Very entertaining.
The big shows on the ship were great every single night except for the last night.  They had actual passengers basically doing a glorified karaoke.  It was horrible!!!

I think this was a Caribbean late night deck party.
Incredible day visit to Honduras!!!

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