Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt 2014

It has been our family tradition to always have our own egg hunt at our house.  

An almost 6 ft Jackson was a good sport to participate with his brother.

Larson was making sure that Logan got enough even though Logan didnt need any help.
Thats just Larson, he can not help but to put others first always!

Logan had waited 2 days for this moment to take off and search for the eggs.
He certainly reminded us of Larson.  He just could not function until this great event was to take place!

Nice Jordan!
I guess being ALMOST 17 and ALMOST a senior means your too old to participate???
Actually Easter Bunny Jordan did a great job with the egg hunt.
She did all the eggs!  She came up with great rewards in a lot of them. (The boys have been using them too.-  Stay up late coupon, free ice cream, chore coupon, etc.)  She used her own money for some of them and stuffed the rest with candy.
That was a big help!

Still have 4 participants in dying eggs.

The bunny loot.

It is probably a sad thing that both Jackson and Larson were so excited for new socks!
Jaxs had testing this week and could not use his kindle.  He is an avid reader so had to pick up some hard copy books for him.
Larson goes through alot of soccer balls!
Logan got Skylander sheets for his bed.  I know he wanted a Skylander designed bedroom but this will have to do.
A new dress for Jordan to go with her many other dresses.
Yes, pop tarts for all!  That is a special treat because for some reason I just will not buy those for the kids.  Its like giving the kids sugar frosted with sugar for breakfast.

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