Friday, December 12, 2014

VHS Freshman Football

So somehow between 8th grade and 9th-this happened.  6 inches in 1 year.  This doesn't come without some growing pains along the way.

96 Freshman players made into 3 teams- Black, Silver, and White.

Work outs started the week after 8th grade ended.  They meet each morning for conditioning.  Jackson likes these work outs a lot.

They took us on a tour of the facilities at the high school.  Needless to say, we were blown away.  I can not believe how nice the athletics buildings are at Vandegrift.  They have separate weight rooms for other sports.
The trainers room for injuries.

This is the Freshman football locker room.  All 100 lockers.

Here we are at Jackson's locker.  They are open with a top part that they can lock.  Each day when these boys show up for practice, their clean, fresh work out clothes are waiting for them.  When they come back, their towels are there for them.  Then the dirty clothes are put in a bin and I never once had a wash one clothing article from football.
I think they should get a few washboards and have the players help out.  I just can not believe how nice  they make it for them.
At least Tom and I know where are tax dollars are going.

Then they gave the moms a Football 101 course.
I love Vandegrift High School and we are so blessed to have our kids attend such an amazing school.

Now, we are ready for some football!

First game wasn't so fair.  The Silver team got to play St. Stephens Varsity team.  These boys were just a little bigger than ours.  We did not win the first game but it was not a blow out.  Our Freshman held their own.

Jackson was pretty pleased with his offense.  He plays right tackle.    Knows he has a lot to learn but really had fun at his first game.

Something to know about Jackson.  He does not like watching football that much.  I know that is really weird.  Hard for me to comprehend.  He does all the practicing that is needed but what he really loves is  playing in the games.  Now that, I can understand.
Jackson just corrected me.  Doesnt like watching football on tv.  He loves going to live games.

Now for a real game where they get to play other Freshman and it was a great Viper win on our home field.
The last time that Jackson was playing on this field and wearing a Pop Warner Viper jersey, he was in 6th grade.  Still trying to comprehend that he is a student at the high school.

We love coming to all the games!

This is Bible stadium in Leander, TX.  This is the visitors side you are looking at.  Some of the stadiums are so big.
Another Viper win against Leander.
Let me describe the situation here.  This is me, breaking out, not breaking in.  We seriously came in on this side of the stadium but I guess some workers had locked us in.  It would have taken forever to walk around when our car was right there.

Pictures at the end of games.
Jackson leaves for early morning seminary, then school, then on the buses to their games.  We don't get to talk to him until after the games.
New shirt for the season.
Liam and Larson supporting the Vipers on a Friday night game.
You will always know where to find the Roberts family on Friday nights during the fall.

They did not go undefeated.  I know that they lost one but not by much.

Holding #9, making a path right up the middle for a score.

Jackson's was one of the captains for this game.

This is Kaitlyn, one of Logan's kinder buddies.  She has a brother that plays freshman football and a sister on the XC team so they get to hang out a lot.
Half time.  To the locker room.
Friday night lights.
Beat Cedar Park for the first time ever!

Aunt Char was able to make it to Jackson's last game of the season!!!!!!!!

Uncle Fred and Brewer got to join us to!

VHS beats Georgetown!
I can not say enough about his Freshman year of football.  The #1 thing that I will say and most important.  He was always happy.  He was having fun.  His least favorite part was the football journal his coaches made them all keep.  He just doesn't see himself going to the NFL so it was hard for him to take "football dreams" too seriously.  He loves being part of the Vandegrift program.  Wants to do well for his team and tries his best.
He will be back for JV football next year.
In the mean time.  Football is a 2 period class every day.  Now they just run them to death and keep them in the weight room.  He says he is sore a lot.  I tell him its good for him.
Very proud of Jackson.
Proud to be a Viper.

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