Friday, May 15, 2015

Halloween Zoo Field Trip

1st Grade field trip to the wacky Austin zoo on Halloween day.

The weather was spectacular for the event.

 Funniest animal of the day.

This lion was putting on a show.  She would run as fast as she could kicking the ball in front of her and then would run right up to the fence in front of you.  This was a little concerning to me because if you have ever been to the Austin zoo you realize the enclosures for the animals are not state of the art.  I was completely depending on this chain link fence to hold up.  
We stayed here for the longest time.  It was amazing to watch her.
She was pretty far away from the fence as I was leaving.  With each step that I would take she got down a little farther.  She was totally getting into pouncing position.  Within a second she had darted straight towards me.  Scared me but was really fun.  Then I would go past the enclosure where she could not see me and I swear we started playing a game of peek a boo.  I was so mesmerized that I didnt realize the class had gone ahead of me.  So there is no one to back up my story of peek of boo with the lion.  I will tell you it was the truth!!!

Logan and his friend Jackson.
Always love a train ride.

I was very thankful for this time with Logan and his class.
Such a nice day for us.

Logan's 1st grade class 

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