Thursday, May 1, 2008

Larson Stressed Out

I hate to admit it but Larson had a complete meltdown yesterday after the big kids got home. You see, he thinks that there is no difference in his age from his older brothers or sister and anything they do he is entitled to do. Well, the older two got invited to go to a friends house to jump on their trampoline. Larson was not invited and he broke down immediately. There was no talking to him, no consoling him, no reasoning. He screamed and cried on the stairs for almost and hour. (I did not put him on the stairs- he did that himself) There was silence and this is what I found. He completely wore himself out. I guess I have a life lesson that needs to be taught to Larson.


  1. bless his heart!! The life of a 3 year old!!

  2. Sometimes I want to lie down on the stairs and sleep too!
