Thursday, May 1, 2008

Luau 2008

Our ward held its annual luau down at the Steiner Ranch Lake Club. This is our 3rd year attending and it is allot of fun for us. It is so beautiful down there.
The boys attempted the hola hoop contest. The big word here is ATTEMPTED. Now Larson is determined that he is going to learn how to hola hoop.

Jordan was the winner. We really did not know that she could do this so well. Her and the runner up just kept going and going. People started to taunt her and she taunted right back without breaking stride. She was the proud winner of a pineapple. Yummy I must say.


  1. Jordan was an awesome hulahooper.

  2. Love the family pic! I guess Logan and Jordon were in separate groups. Way to go both of them!
