Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Niagra Falls

After a sad goodbye with Boydie, we made it to Niagra Falls.
Late night dinner!

View of the falls from our hotel room.
A beautiful walk down to the falls.
This was Jackson and Jordan's first time here.

I have been to the Falls many times but this was the very first time that we were doing all of the tourist activities.  We had a pass for the day.

On our way down to the lower rapids.

These are class 6 rapids.  It was so amazing to be so close.  The pictures do not show how fierce this water was.

Logan in the tunnel leading to the rapids.
A few days before we were there was the man walking the tight rope across the falls.

Now we are at the top edge of the falls.

I had always encouraged Jackson to do a Quest project on the falls.  This may influence him more.

At an overlook that has you only a couple of feet from the edge.
This is something so cool to see.

Inside for the over the falls simulator and making of the falls movie.
Yes,  this is where we left Jordan.  Didnt mean to!
I think it is every parents right to leave at least one child somewhere by accident.
Jordan finally got to see a moose in Canada!
The simulator was so cool!

We walked the tunnels to go on the back side of the falls.

Just looked like a whole bunch of rain coming down in a really big hurricane!

About half way down the falls under the edge.
GETTING SOAKED and blown away.

The Maiden of the Mist

Logan was a good sport all day!
Going by the American side.  Not quite as impressive as the Canadian side.

Getting closer
and closer
and close enough
Larson showed us a Longhorn

The Maiden of the Mist was the best part of the day!!!!

topped off with a double rainbow right in front of us!

Ok, so it took us all day to do the falls but thats not all.  There is a street like Myrtle Beach with every cool thing that a kid would ever want to do.
We just did not have time to do any of it.  That would be another day at the falls.
The boys did get to do this cool maze.
Logan went right in a store and picked this little friend out right away.
Whats his name?
Moose, of course.

We packed as much fun into one day that you possibly could!
It was such a great day at the Falls.
Recommend this trip to anyone.
Goodbye for now Canada

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