Sunday, August 5, 2012

Larson's Baptism

The day finally arrived that Larson could get baptized.  Larson has a hard time waiting an hour for something exciting that he knows is planned.  Waiting 3 months seemed like forever.

We will add this to the wall with Jordan and Jacksons.
Everything about this moment is hard to describe.  I just know that it is moments like this that makes everything right and testimonies to grow.

Larson told me that he felt so clean and perfect.  He was so sweet and told me that he always wanted to feel this way.

Adding to an already special day is having Mrs. Kane and Matthew be able to join us!

Jordan sang a song for her brother

Aunt Kathe gave a beautiful talk on baptism.
She loves her nieces and nephews.

Grampy was able to give the closing prayer.

Hilton Head is a very special place for our families.  Its where the 2 families met and so many occassions have been spent there.
The Foss family
Mom, Charlene, Jackie, Dad, Haylie, Ashley, Jordan, Logan, Tom, Larson, Buddy, Jackson, Sage, Sean, Kathe, and Tyler

The Roberts Family
Nancy, Grampy, Allie, Logan, Jordan, Tom, Buddy, Larson, Chris, Jackson, Jimmy, (Tina), Jennifer, and Mary

Nana was in our thoughts.
Jackson proud of his brother.

Ashley and her baby Taylor

Being with Haylie this time made me realize she is growing up.  She is a very pretty girl and maturing.

My sister smiling being with her family.

Its just a beautiful setting for a baptism

These men were needed with Priesthood authority to perform the baptism for Larson.
My Dad has been able to be a part of all ordinances with our children.  I guess I can take that a step farther and say he has been a part of all of mine also.  Of course, once Tom was baptized he took over the main role.  The interesting part here is Roberto, our second witness.  I have known of Roberto for about 4 years and met him this last year.  He was my sisters personal trainer. About a year ago, Charlene heard that the missionaries had knocked on his door.  Soon after, he married his long time girlfriend and joined the church.  It was so kind of Roberto and Pam to be a part of this day with us.
My favorite quote that Charlene tells me from Roberto is:  (in his heavy Argentine accent) "Charlene, I use to love to go hunting on Sunday, but now it is the Lords day."

Larson with mi familia

I love when sisters can all be together!

Such a sweet picture.
Papa helping Grampy back to the beach house.
My kids could not have better Grandfathers in their lives.

Tracey Hanson took some pretty cool pictures of Larson for his Baptism.
(I will add those in the next post)
The week before while we were with Boydie I was able to take her a program and a couple of the pictures of Larson.  I know that she missed being there and we missed her!

We have always done a family gathering for all the kids in honor of their special day.
This one was a little more challenging for me since we were not at my sisters house but  in a rental beach house.  I had a lot of help from Char and Ashley.

I had to have this all planned out before school was out and we left on our vacation.
I thought about doing blue and white puff balls as a simple decoration with blue being Larsons favorite color.  Then I thought, I probably shouldnt do puff balls for a boy.  Very quickly, I knew it was OK to do them.  After all this is Larson we are talking about.  The more the fan fare the better it is for him and he is very confident boy that can handle a puff ball or two!

Larsons first request were Nanas crepes.
Tom and I made a whole lot of crepes the day before.
He also wanted doughnuts and chocolate muffins!
check, check, and check

His last request was the famous face cake.  I was not able to get the order in before we left for Canada so I didnt think we would have the picture cake.
This is where Ashley stepped in and got one ordered for the same day!
Thank you Ashley.

Always some work involved but I love this day when all of our families are able to be together and share in a special day. 

So 25 years after Tom and I met on this island, this is what our family looks like.
20 years of marriage, one shinning daughter, 3 wonderful sons, 4 baby blessings, 4 baptisms, (one to go) and one temple trip that sealed us as a family forever.

Larson is just one special kid.  He is talented in so many ways!
He loves his Heavenly Father and made a choice to be baptized today.  Actually, I think he had most days counted down since his older brother had been baptized.
( I will add in a story here.  Larson really took this covenant that he made seriously.  He loved that he could be perfect right after his baptism.  I think Larson never wanted that feeling to go away.  I forget but Larson did something tiny that wasnt the best choice and his LOVING brother Jackson was quick to let Larson know he wasnt perfect anymore.  Yes, some of us were laughing at the way that Jackson said it but it just gave me a chance to talk more to Larson about how blessed we are to be able to partake of the sacrament each week.  At the young age of 8 I can tell that Larson has grasped that so important concept.

The 4th Article of Faith:
We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Larson, your Mom, Dad, and family are very proud of you and love you!
Thanks for letting us be a part of this special day.

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