Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Pictures 2010

I usually am much more on top of the annual Christmas picture than I was this year. For some reason I had not even thought about what we were going to do much less buy them clothes to wear.
I think I will try this tactic again next year. I did not spend tons of time and many stores to get the clothes. Just kind of used what we had and added to it. Was much easier.

Whats not so easy is the actual picture.....

especially when it includes a 2 year old named Logan.
determined to not be a participant

Letting us hear how he feels about the photo shoot

Just plain despair in the fact that he knows Im not going to give up.

Then we go to Larson who wants his picture taken and has all these poses planned for me

At 10 Jackson has it figured out. Just do what the crazy lady tells me to and we can get out of here sooner.

She may look angelic in her pictures but behind the scene she was freaking out. So embarrassed every time that a car would drive by. Oh no someone may see her out with her parents and brothers!

I guess some day I will miss these photo sessions, with wrestling, crying, running away.
It probably will be really boring when they all just stand there and say "Cheeeeeese".

With allot of cropping and some editing, we manage a card worthy of sending out to family and friends.

We used this for the back of the card.
This was our favorite picture. It pretty much sums up our family.
Jordan doing what she does and her 3 brothers happening all around her.

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