Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Lonestar Soccer

Larsons first Lonestar Club team.  A few kids from Steiner Ranch but only one from his school.
Coach Rory led the team.
Training was only 2 times a week and we had a really good car pool system out to the practice fields.
We didnt win too many of the games but Coach Rory is developing this team.
He shows us what his U14 team look like and says we are identical to them at this age.
The U14 team looks amazing.
What he is telling us is that it takes a lot of hard work over a few years to get to that point.
Overall, a very good experience.
Larson is getting more confident and learning more about the game.

Larson always gives his all with his team.

Larson looks like Prince Harry here!

They actually played the game in this mud pit with their all white uniforms.
Bleach didnt even help me all the way.

I love watching Larson play.  Look forward to the spring season with coach Rory and the team.

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