Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cub Scouts

Work gloves and lots of water.
Larson is ready to work.
 Sis. Humphries has great connections so she was able to set a cool service project.
 The boys got to go to a canyon land preserve that is not open to the public.

 They were reintroducing some plants that a specific bird needs to increase the population of that bird.
The boys really learned a lot about this project.
It was much better than the usual "pick up trash".
 These are irrigation paths that will naturally lead any water to the plants.

 The boys worked hard on gathering rocks to mark this path.
The area actually has dead trees buried under the ground.  These trees have a spongy type texture and will help capture any water under the soil.
The biologist cant tell how long this drought will continue.

A well deserved break for the boys!

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