Monday, November 16, 2009

Larson's tournament

Thanks Daddy for being my coach!

I realize this is only pre-k/Kinder league but we had two players on the field that thought this was the superbowl. Larson was one of those players. He was so focused on each play and had a smile on his face. He scored and played major defense.

Oh, Larson will never ever want to play in another football game unless he gets to run through a sign. HE LOVED THIS!!!

Tom couldn't even get all the kids on the field when needed because they just weren't into it. So finally, Tom just kept Larson and Griffin in all the time. Larson really did not play quarterback until this game. He blew us away. Whoops! maybe he should have been there more. Love the picture of him calling the play. He turned back to his Dad and asked if he could go yet?? Then he just started yelling HUT 1 HUT 2 HIKE. He had perfect hand offs.

It was so much fun watching him and he was so proud of himself.

A well deserved trophy!

Tom had just given the trophy to Larson and a bee got in his jersey and stung him. He threw his trophy and started screaming. Poor little guy.

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