Monday, May 31, 2010

Jordan's 13!!!

Jordan is officially a Teenager!

This has been a demanding couple of weeks for Jordan and she has been feeling it. Rehearsals every day and night plus school plus other obligations has made for a tired girl. As always the Musical is on her birthday so she fits her b-day in and around that.
She woke up to her letters, a new bike and cinnamon rolls. Then off to an early curtain call.

She decided after her musical that she wanted to go ahead and open her presents. We were going to do it the next night but realized that we had such a busy day that it was going to be hard to fit it in.
She is in her theatre makeup and hair straight from her shows.
Her birthday was none to shabby with all the gifts she got. Clothes, a game, music, DVD's, shoes.

Jordan's wall of 13 Reasons we love her
Lots of relatives and might as well be relatives sent her wishes by adding their 13 reasons. This was great to see how everyone sees Jordan and what they love her for.
We love Jordan so much and so happy that she is our one and only girl. I love watching her grow.
Jordan's party is also to be continued: When we get back for the summer, she is having a Happy 13th birthday party with her friends!

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